Many individuals mistakenly presume that dental issues are minor and can be overlooked. However, they have the potential to become more serious over time if neglected – which is why it’s critical to correctly identify what constitutes a true dental emergency.

The typical signs of an urgent situation include blood loss, damaged jawbone, dislodged fillings or crowns, and so on. In any instance when you feel your life may be at risk – seek medical attention right away!

Your teeth can suffer various conditions and ailments in an instant. While some are minor, others may be more substantial and necessitate immediate medical intervention. Before you contact emergency dental care, it is essential to recognise precisely what constitutes a dental emergency situation.


What is Classified as a Dental Emergency?

If you are suffering from symptoms that are hindering the quality of your life, it is likely a dental emergency. To validate this experience and protect yourself from further damage, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional support immediately. Dental emergencies must be treated with swiftness in order to minimise harm or discomfort.

If you’re struggling with odd dental symptoms, keep reading to uncover the answers behind your oral health issues. With these solutions in hand, you’ll be able to take back control of your smile and feel better than ever before!



What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any type of oral problem that requires immediate treatment. This can include issues such as a cracked or broken tooth, lost filling, severe toothache, or an abscess. In some cases, it may also include a foreign object stuck in the gums or throat.

If you are experiencing any type of pain or discomfort in your mouth, it is important to see a dentist right away. Waiting too long can cause further damage and make the situation more difficult to treat

It is also important to note that not all dental issues are considered emergencies. If you have an issue such as a minor chip or cracked tooth, the best course of action may be to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.


The Most Common Dental Emergencies

If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it’s best to make an appointment with a dental professional right away. They will be able to provide an accurate evaluation and help determine what kind of treatment is necessary for your condition. By seeking timely care, you can protect yourself from more serious issues arising down the line.

Below are dental issues considered dental emergencies and would require urgent dental care:



A toothache is a dental emergency and should be addressed as soon as possible. If left untreated, it can lead to more serious dental issues, on top of being an acute source of pain. Generally, the cause of a toothache can be attributed to dental plaque and/or an infection that has spread from the gum line.

The pain intensity may vary but often requires medical attention either through dental assessment or antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, depending on severity. As some conditions causing severe dental pain may slowly heal over time, it is best to address them before they worsen unintentionally.



Swelling is a dental emergency that should be taken seriously. If ignored, it can lead to the worsening of an existing dental infection or the spreading of germs and bacteria throughout the body.

The primary symptom of dental swelling is an increase in the size or volume of a particular area in the mouth, which may include severe pain, tenderness, redness, warmth and yellow drainage. Immediate medical attention is required to identify the cause and determine the best form of treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in providing relief from dental swelling.



Bleeding often occurs in dental emergencies, and it can be a worrisome sight. Taking the appropriate action quickly is important to help reduce discomfort and promote healing. There are several approaches that may help to stop bleeding, such as rinsing with salt water or using gauze to apply pressure directly on the sore area.

Consulting a dental professional is highly recommended in order to obtain further advice according to each individual’s unique situation. Therefore, if you ever experience dental bleeding, it is important to act promptly for optimal results and relief from dental pain.


Broken tooth

If you have recently experienced a dental emergency, such as a broken tooth, it is important to seek dental attention as soon as possible. A broken or chipped tooth can cause discomfort and possess an unfavourable aesthetic quality, thus, consulting with dental professionals will help ensure that you get an emergency dental treatment quickly and painlessly.

Your dental care provider will be able to offer advice on ways to clean and care for the affected area, as well as determine whether or not your dental problem requires further intervention or treatment. Being armed with accurate information about this dental emergency will help to ensure that you receive the best outcome.


seeking treatment emergency dentist croydonLost filling or crown

Feeling dental pain can be a frightening and uncomfortable experience, especially if it’s caused by a dental emergency such as a lost filling or crown. Fortunately, dental emergencies are common and easily addressed.

If you have lost a dental filling or crown, seek emergency treatment from a dental care professional immediately, as this dental issue is time-sensitive and can have negative consequences if not treated properly. Contact your dentist’s office to receive more information about the best way to manage your dental emergency. With immediate dental treatment, you can save yourself from further dental complications and hassle down the line.


What to do Until You Get Your Dental Treatment

When it comes to a dental emergency, there are several measures that you can take until you receive professional care. These may include:

  1. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water
  2. Taking over-the-counter pain medications
  3. Reducing swelling through the application of cold packs
  4. Cleaning the affected area gently with a soft toothbrush

Moreover, if you experience a dental emergency, it is best to avoid drastic measures such as attempting to extract your own tooth or using home remedies that could aggravate the condition. Dental emergencies should always be handled by professionals who are equipped with the right skills and tools to provide a safe and effective solution

Dental emergencies can be painful, traumatic and very costly if not dealt with promptly. When you need an emergency dental clinic, you can trust your teeth are in good hands at our Maroondah Dental Care clinic. Our team of professionals will assess your situation and provide the best possible treatment options available to ensure that your smile stays healthy and looks great. Contact us now on (03) 9007 2532 and get your consultation.





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